Friday, February 5, 2010
Drinking in the Bob Hope Center?
Drinking in the Bob Hope Center? I can't miss a chance to do that. Why go to Napa when you can drive to West Hills? I am looking forward to spending the night hanging out with fellow alums and it's a nice chance to see folks from other classes as well.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Hello from Pia
Hi everyone,
I guess it always took me a little bit longer to get with now, finally, a year after our reunion, I finally decided to go surfing in the past. I found this blog...and had to ask Amy how to add my commentary (can you tell I'm not that computer savvy).
So now, after thinking about what to write for the past couple of weeks and not coming up with anything ingenious, I decided just to write free-flow and see where it leads me.
I just (1 1/2yrs ago) moved back to the US after living in Cologne, Germany for 7 years. I'm now in Denver, enjoying the mountains and great weather. After Chami, I went to UCSD and got my BA in Visual Communications. The dream being - travelling around the world for photography assignments. That went okay for a while - I had an internship in Morocco filming a documentary for German television, worked in Australia and did some freelance stuff, but when reality set in and I had to pay rent, I started working for Lufthansa German Airlines. At least that way I still had the travelling benefits :-) I work on the ramp, doing weight and balance calculations for the cockpits (who woulda thought...I was never really the math and physics genius), and get to be outside 8 hours a day come rain (snow) or shine. It's actually pretty fun...but my photography dream still lingers. Now, with digital photography and computers, I guess it's not that special anymore...but needless to say, my hard drive is filled with pix, that will hopefully be published some day. Painting is another one of my passions...and that has actually gotten me some business. I've done murals for stores and a dentist in Germany...but the jobs were very scarce, since I always had to juggle the painting around my "real" work.
But that's okay, the creative side is still there, and now that I moved back to the US, I'm one step closer to my dream home in Santa Fe or Taos, NM. Talk about eccentric, creative locals...I'll fit right into that weirdness...
Last year, I got married (in New Mexico). My hubby is German, and will be moving to the US by the end of the year. We have some "immigration" issues to deal with, but hopefully all will be well by Christmas.
While I was in Germany, I had contact with Janet H. and Mel W. briefly via e-mail. It was great to hear from them. I lost touch with Janet, unfortunately, and Mel, at some point never wrote back. I figured she was going through treatments...but when I found out that she had passed away, I so regretted not having gone to visit her when she was in the UK.
Maybe that is also why I had this incredible urge to try to touch base with all of you fellow alumni. We did have a blast, didn't we...with the ups and the downs?
I hope that maybe some of you still check into the blog once in a while. Now that I'm officially online, hopefully some of you will still recognize me. I'll try to add a picture, but no guarantees (I'll have to figure out how first...) worked! Just for info: that's me and my godchild Ava last year in Santa Fe.
Take care everyone,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Mr. Kappus
I remember you, and if not mistaken, you owe me $5. Actually, in order to be mistaken there would have to be a grain of possible truth to the statement. Which there isn't. You can still send me $5 if you like though.
Interesting life so far, but I think it would have been more eye catching if you had bee mauled by three kids, stabbed by a timber wolf, and honeymooned in a car just before it hit you. See how that sounds more incredible?
I am glad you found "us". But from the looks of things, "us" is a non-existant group. This Blog site seems to be a ghost town. And that is a shame because it means after the reunion everyone said "That's done - see you in another 5, 10, 20 . . . . ". It would be nice to think we renewed our interest in sharing our lives as we move forward. But the lack of postings indicates we are done sharing for awhile.
I hope you found the people you were looking for. If not, try the Chaminade website.
Anthony Butler
P.S. If you are wondering why I of all people responded, I had sort of dominated the BLOG for awhile and have checked in looking for vital signs. Those of you who wrote me about missing my rantings, I still rant on my My Space BLOG. You can write me at to get my information.
Interesting life so far, but I think it would have been more eye catching if you had bee mauled by three kids, stabbed by a timber wolf, and honeymooned in a car just before it hit you. See how that sounds more incredible?
I am glad you found "us". But from the looks of things, "us" is a non-existant group. This Blog site seems to be a ghost town. And that is a shame because it means after the reunion everyone said "That's done - see you in another 5, 10, 20 . . . . ". It would be nice to think we renewed our interest in sharing our lives as we move forward. But the lack of postings indicates we are done sharing for awhile.
I hope you found the people you were looking for. If not, try the Chaminade website.
Anthony Butler
P.S. If you are wondering why I of all people responded, I had sort of dominated the BLOG for awhile and have checked in looking for vital signs. Those of you who wrote me about missing my rantings, I still rant on my My Space BLOG. You can write me at to get my information.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Hello from Klifford Kapus
Hey there,
I’m not an “official” graduate of Chaminade Class of 87 but I got pulled out halfway through my Junior year.
So for the sake of argument I was with you all for 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and half of 11th grade!
My mom ran out of money (she’s an elementary school teacher) and had to cut her losses and move me into public school.
Anyway, all my high school memories are from Chaminade even though I’m technically an alumnus of Simi Valley High School!
I was recently contacted by a fellow named Rob Vassegh who indicated he knew me from Chaminade.
This got me to thinking and so I “googled” him and it took me to the MIA list for the Class of 87 reunion blog.
While there I also discovered you were looking for Kevin Black (six foot ten? Hard to miss…)
Small world: I actually went to U.C. Davis with Kevin and then lost touch with him after that.
I hope he made it to the reunion. He was a good guy.
So the upshot is I was hoping to get “back in the fold” so to speak and touch base with some of the people that I went to school with.
Even though I missed the 20 year reunion, perhaps I can still make contact with some of my old buds.
I was a bit of an introverted malcontent and not very social so it’s likely that people won’t remember me.
I was the kid with the thick glasses that hung out in the library during lunch and played Dungeons and Dragons after school.
(Doesn’t narrow it down much, does it…?)
Now I’m pushing 40 with three kids and two businesses and I’m virtually unrecognizable from what I used to look like.
It’s a shot in the dark but here’s my family from last Christmas: (I’m the hairy one in the center…)

You can also check out my website for some photos of our business.
I’ve done dental work on a 600 pound Siberian tiger and there’s some photos of that on the website as well.
Since leaving Chaminade I’ve been mauled by a mountain lion, fought malignant melanoma, honeymooned in a Scottish castle, been stabbed, hit by a car, bitten by a timber wolf, got married, had three little boys and one time I woke up hung-over 10 clicks out of St. Truiden Belgium after being mercilessly beaten by six angry Walloons…
So I’ve lived a pretty full life so far!
Anyway, let me know what you think.
Warmest Regards,
Klifford T. Kapus DDS, MSD
I’m not an “official” graduate of Chaminade Class of 87 but I got pulled out halfway through my Junior year.
So for the sake of argument I was with you all for 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and half of 11th grade!
My mom ran out of money (she’s an elementary school teacher) and had to cut her losses and move me into public school.
Anyway, all my high school memories are from Chaminade even though I’m technically an alumnus of Simi Valley High School!
I was recently contacted by a fellow named Rob Vassegh who indicated he knew me from Chaminade.
This got me to thinking and so I “googled” him and it took me to the MIA list for the Class of 87 reunion blog.
While there I also discovered you were looking for Kevin Black (six foot ten? Hard to miss…)
Small world: I actually went to U.C. Davis with Kevin and then lost touch with him after that.
I hope he made it to the reunion. He was a good guy.
So the upshot is I was hoping to get “back in the fold” so to speak and touch base with some of the people that I went to school with.
Even though I missed the 20 year reunion, perhaps I can still make contact with some of my old buds.
I was a bit of an introverted malcontent and not very social so it’s likely that people won’t remember me.
I was the kid with the thick glasses that hung out in the library during lunch and played Dungeons and Dragons after school.
(Doesn’t narrow it down much, does it…?)
Now I’m pushing 40 with three kids and two businesses and I’m virtually unrecognizable from what I used to look like.
It’s a shot in the dark but here’s my family from last Christmas: (I’m the hairy one in the center…)

You can also check out my website
I’ve done dental work on a 600 pound Siberian tiger and there’s some photos of that on the website as well.
Since leaving Chaminade I’ve been mauled by a mountain lion, fought malignant melanoma, honeymooned in a Scottish castle, been stabbed, hit by a car, bitten by a timber wolf, got married, had three little boys and one time I woke up hung-over 10 clicks out of St. Truiden Belgium after being mercilessly beaten by six angry Walloons…
So I’ve lived a pretty full life so far!
Anyway, let me know what you think.
Warmest Regards,
Klifford T. Kapus DDS, MSD

Friday, February 22, 2008
4 Soren eBay Auctions
Hello Eagles,
I don't know how many folks are still swinging by the blog, but in the event that you are, I decided to post this. Soren's "4 Soren" Fundraiser went remarkably well. We raised $13,000 that has gone to the purchasing of a new wheelchair accessible van for Soren. Long story short, the state ended up paying for the ramp conversion but my van was too old to convert, much like me. So we instead had to buy a new, already converted van.
Part of this amazing success were purchases by our fellow Eagles! First of all Shellaine donated her beautiful jewelry from her company Trophy Girl and her husband Joe donated some really cool mixed media pieces. And then Sue Dolan and Marita Daukas purchased pieces! I'm so overwhelmed and thankful for everyone's generosity for my boy!
And while LOTS of stuff sold, the remaining pieces are now in my garage. So I'm slowly putting them on eBay. Currently, 2 pieces are up and I will probably get to more this weekend. The easiest way to find them is to put "4 Soren" into the Search section. Check them out. See if there's something you like. All the money will continue to go to Soren and his sweet new wheelchair accessible ride!
I don't know how many folks are still swinging by the blog, but in the event that you are, I decided to post this. Soren's "4 Soren" Fundraiser went remarkably well. We raised $13,000 that has gone to the purchasing of a new wheelchair accessible van for Soren. Long story short, the state ended up paying for the ramp conversion but my van was too old to convert, much like me. So we instead had to buy a new, already converted van.
Part of this amazing success were purchases by our fellow Eagles! First of all Shellaine donated her beautiful jewelry from her company Trophy Girl and her husband Joe donated some really cool mixed media pieces. And then Sue Dolan and Marita Daukas purchased pieces! I'm so overwhelmed and thankful for everyone's generosity for my boy!
And while LOTS of stuff sold, the remaining pieces are now in my garage. So I'm slowly putting them on eBay. Currently, 2 pieces are up and I will probably get to more this weekend. The easiest way to find them is to put "4 Soren" into the Search section. Check them out. See if there's something you like. All the money will continue to go to Soren and his sweet new wheelchair accessible ride!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Finally.... Photos have been posted
Just got my photos posted from my November posting. Please check them out.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Better late than never....
Hey, I know, this is late. But, it was so fantastic to see everyone at the reunion. So much more fun than I thought it was going to be! And Bob Munck is still hilarious!
Also, go rent the movie, Sicko.
Regardless of your political stance.
We will all be touched by illness in this lifetime.
Take it from me.
If anyone wants to say Hello:
Bye for now,
Irene Szczech (small blond chick)
Also, go rent the movie, Sicko.
Regardless of your political stance.
We will all be touched by illness in this lifetime.
Take it from me.
If anyone wants to say Hello:
Bye for now,
Irene Szczech (small blond chick)
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