Friday, November 30, 2007

Dark Friday

It is a cloudy, dark, and rainy Friday morning. There is something cliche' and yet appropriate about the weather. Today I sit at my desk at work, with my heart being torn to shreds, contemplating having my dog put down. Even now, I am wondering why this is BLOG worthy and why I am writing at all. I am trying to maintain composure at work so I guess this is my outlet. My grief is too monumental to be contained yet I don't want to embarass myself at work.
Bibi was adopted 6 years ago. I got her as a rescue dog. She was small enough to be around the kids and I thought she'd be company for my wife while she was home with the baby (Nathan). The first day she came home - she peed on me while I was sitting on the grass. She had the odd male trait of lifting her leg to pee and she marked me as her own from day one.
Bibi always just "existed". She never begged for your attention, although she was very happy when you noticed her. She liked to have her tummy rubbed and sometimes would like to be carried like a baby. Being a pug, she could snore you out of a sleep.
As the years past, we took her for granted a little and she did not always get the best treatment. It is hard to think that within hours I will be saying good bye forever.
The decision was not black and white. She has poor vision, mostly deaf, and has probably suffered some small strokes. She has leg stiffness and some incontinence. Three days ago she started declining food and started a gagging/choking reflex. The other side is that she "looks" fine and still acts like she has life left in her. She has the same "glad to see" you look. What do you do? Act fast and prevent her further suffering? Watch as she deteriorates for days, weeks, months? Hope that she will get better with excess vet care and medicines - or accept she is 15 and probably doesn't have that much longer anyway? The vet will do what you want and is smart enough to leave you with the facts and the burden of decision. It is a very fine line - and I am sure any decision would leave me full of guilt.
Today, I must look at that little face and hope she understands why I am helping her die. I can barely comprehend it myself, but I hope she at least finds a peace that I will not.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thankful for so much

Finally got around to posting about our newest arrival. Sarah Naomi was born on October 24th at 10:33 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs 4 oz and was 19 inches long.

Here are some pix from the day she was born, her first days home and of course her announcement photo.

We are all doing well and are very proud!

Anthony, eat your heart out

Think Anthony Butler looks great in his hospital gown? Here is Rebecca modeling the latest in pediatric hospital attire.

Oh, and just to be fair (to make everyone feel waifish), here is me right before I delivered Sarah (humiliating, but hey, you already saw how huge I was at the reunion). I apologize that I could not figure out how to change the orientation of Rebecca's photo.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Also Thankful

I know that Thanksgiving is past and that we are now officially into the Christmas season. However, like Anthony, I wanted to write about things I am thankful for regarding the reunion.

Since graduating 20 years ago, I have not been in contact with many folks from Chaminade. Obviously, Anthony and I have kept our friendship going. And through the years I've seen Dani Carusi, Tracy Tuso, and Denise Bradley now and again. But otherwise, I haven't had ties to Chaminade.

So when the planning for the 20 year reunion came around, knowing that I didn't really know anyone, I was really nervous about attending. But instead of getting hung up on freaking myself out, which is what I usually do, I decided to jump in and help so I could actually reaquaint myself with everyone. And I'm so thankful I did.

First of all, working on the committe was great. I got to meet up and chat via email with Lisa, Carol, Lynn, Dave, Dave, and Dora. I got to meet Tom and Carol's new baby and Lisa's kids. I was thankful to be a part of this group who just wanted to throw a good party.

Then by initiating the blog, I got to hear from many of you who needed help. I've actually ended up continuing email relationships with people because of this. I've had great conversations that I never would have had and I'm very thankful to have these new/old friendships.

Once the blog was up and running, I was so thankful to read about what everyone was doing with their lives. Even when we found out that some of our friends had passed, I was thankful that we all had each other and could share in mourning that loss.

As the reunion came close, I got to email and call people to harass them to come to the event. Though this made me especially nervous, I was thankful that people responded so kindly.

During the reunion weekend itself, I was incredibly thankful to have been not only a part of this committee but a part of this class. Everyone there was so appreciative of the time we took. Everyone looked happy and excited to be there. And I was thankful to be there to see old friends, reconnect, and celebrate with everyone.

Thank you all for participating in whatever way you did. For reading the blog, for writing a blog, for posting pictures, for asking for music suggestions, for posting music titles, for attending Sagebrush, the White House, or the Family Picnic.

Thank you for being part of the class of '87. I am thankful.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I can imagine that with parades, football, family, friends, food to be prepared and consumed, and eventually dishes to do - most of you will not be killing time tuning in to the BLOG. So, these sentiments will have a shelf-life of at least a week. Then it's "screw you and the turkey you rode in on".

In addition to the usual checklist of items to be thankful for - I would like to add some personal thanks. I am thankful this year for the reunion commitee (except the "other Phalen" who did absolutely nothing - and said so everytime someone gave her credit which was very honorable.) who did such a great job pulling us altogether and planning such a nice weekend. I am greatful for everyone who took the time to attend and graciously share their lives. I appreciate those who could not attend but let us all know they were okay and doing their thing. Oddly enough, I may be most thankful for the BLOG itself. It allowed me to open a door of humor and create a connection with many of you even before the big night. I am at heart, a shy and quiet person, and I don't always feel at ease in large groups. That pre-reunion Blogging ice-breaker was a true treat for me and to have it so well received was a blessing.

The obvious wish is for all of you to have a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving with much to be thankful for. The not so obvious may be to remember that there are those of us who may not have had the best year. In life, we rarely get to experience the UPS without the DOWNS. So, if this Thanksgiving finds you dealing with some difficulty or misfortune, hurt or sorrow, or just something that knocked you off the path you thought you were on - I hope you can find a simple pleasure to be thankful for and move forward in the knowledge you can and will endure. And I can bake you a pecan pie if it helps.

Oh, and I am thankful for the emergency rooms in both Idaho and California!

Anthony Butler

Friday, November 16, 2007


Well you really didn't expect me to have the same hair, and lord forbid the same eyebrows, did you?!

Anyway, here is a much better picture to look at - his name is Keenan and he is 8 months old today (which means I haven't had a full night's sleep in about a year now).

Take care everyone, and now that I'm back in LA I hope to run into some of you.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

DVD Mix-Up

In addition to people who did not get a reunion DVD, there were also a handful of people who got the incorrect DVD. If you take your DVD out of the protective sleeve and it has a little cartoon chicken wearing bondage attire - you got the wrong DVD. This DVD can be returned to Amy for a copy of the reunion DVD.

We are still not sure how the boxes of DVD's got mixed up. I respectfully request that if you have not watched the "bogus" DVD that you do not watch it. If you have already watched it, then I can only say I am terribly embarrassed. Sometimes, when you are young and stupid, you do things for money you would not normally do. I would like to point out, all the girls were over 18, none of the midgets got hurt, the scene with the mattress sized cornbread was a computerized green-screen effect, and no one actually had physical contact with the goat - he was just there for atmosphere.

Anthony "money shot" Butler

DVD Delay

I'd like to apologize to the folks who didn't get a reunion slide show DVD. There has been a delay in production and distribution due to busy family lives of the producers/distributors. Seems that as soon as the reunion ended, the universe filled the void of our newly found free time with a ton of stuff to do.

But have no fear, the DVDs will be made and sent before the holidays (well, after Thanksgiving, but before Christmas). So when you gather with your family and friends this season, you can show them yourself in days of yore as you tip back a little eggnog and snack on those fantastic Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Squares.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Multi Media Social Site

Hi all!

The reunion sounds like it was tons of fun! I've set up a little social networking site (like a blog on steroids) over at

Feel free to join up, and request an invite. It's free, and no one is going to use your email addresses to put even more spam in your inboxes.

It's chock full of multi-media technology, so Tom could upload the chami version of "i love the 80's" and anthony could photoshop and upload to slide shows. I've even got this blog itself coming to the site.

Anyway, come on by, connect up, and see if it's something y'all want to use.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Who's That Girl?

Okay, Mindi already posted a photo of her, but her eyes were closed. So here is another photo of the unanimously most unrecognizable alum: Sue Dolan

I will openly admit that when she came up to me at Sagebrush, I stared at her like a deer in the headlights not having any idea who she was. I actually had to ask Kim Radmacher. Feeling like an idiot, I went up to Sue and admitted my ignorance and she said that everyone whas having the same problem.

Again, sorry she's sideways.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007


If you read this - you do so with the warning it is gross to an extent.

Since the reunion is over but the page is still alive, and I was asked to keep blogging now and then, I feel any topic or anecdote is open to fair game. With that in mind, I offer this piece of true life obsurdity.

The first thing you must know is our toilet at my work refills very slowly after flushing. Second, you need to know that I time everything to the minute. If I need to be somewhere at 2pm and it takes 10 minutes from work, I will work right up until 1:49, take a minute to run to my car, and if all goes well, arrive ten minutes later at 2 pm. I don't know why I play it so close - but I do. Hence my problem.

Today, with what I thought was time to spare, I went into the restroom. Usually, I have rule about only disposing of liquids while in a public restroom, but my new high fiber diet has me bending rules. So, I do my business and flush the toilet. As I am washing hands, I notice a small "tidbit" has broken away - we'll call him Jerry. Jerry is fighting the current and heading up to the higher water. he breaks free of the porcelain tide and succeeds in staying behind while the remainder flushes away. As he drifts to the bottom of the bowl Jerry seems quite pleased with himself.

I am irritated. Who does this little s**t think he is? Is he better than everyone else? Too good to get flushed down? And now, I have to wait for the tank to refill. I dry my hands. I look at my face. I notice how much more gray is in my hair. Tank not filled. I see what is in my pocket. I check my nose for excess hair. My toe nails need trimming. Tank still filling.

I notice the time. I should be leaving - but this turd is holding me hostage. I can't just leave him for someone else to find. I think he knows he has me in a bind. His sense of smug satisfaction creates a hostility in me I usually only have for slow drivers in the fast lane.

My perfect timing is now off. I am late. Maybe I can make up the time by doing 80 on the freeway. I begin to think, if it is even possible, that I will flush extra hard to cause Jerry some kind of pain equal to the frustration he has caused me. Then I realize I am planning revenge on a turd and I know my time in the bathroom has turned into a dementia.

The tank stops and I flush, holding the handle down completely and not letting go until Jerry is swept away. Even then, I wait to make sure he was not a gold medalist in swimming and won't be beating the odds again. When I am satisfied he is gone, I leave. Late, but with a "I beat you" feeling in my heart and a spring in my step.

Anthony "flushed away" Butler

Monday, November 5, 2007

JODY KYMAN - Just As You Remember

The fact that anyone actually took me up on this offer - well, how could I disappoint?
So, here I am with the fantastically demure Jody Kyman. I distinctly remember taking this photograph because I had just come from the men's room where I had dripped water on myself. Afraid some would think I had wet my pants, I requested to be shot from the shoulder up.
Now we have a digitally altered photograph and an almost believeable back-story. This practically looks convincing enough that I may not have to show for the next reunion - I'll just put myself in people's photos.
Anthony "the Phantom" Butler
P.S. Down to 234 - could have been more if it weren't for those damn fun-size Halloween Snickers!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

More of my Pics

I don't know why my message is at the end of my photos? Sorry - doin' the best I can. Here are some more, or here were some more. Mindi

My pictures from the reunion.

Here are the pictures I took. Enjoy. I think you will recognize everybody (the really tall guy with Sue Dolan and Tracy Tuso is Sue's husband. I have more I will attach, but I'm just getting the hang of this blogging thing and they wouldn't upload with this entry, who knows? I'm just proud that I got my pictures on here at all. More coming right up.

Wonderful Spouses

There were many wonderful spouses at the reunion. And as I said earlier, I think they were great, brave people. Here are a few caught on film.

First are Lynn Coyle and her awesome husband Chris.

Ooh, speaking of Lynn, she was the woman behind the money managing for the reunion and kept track of who was coming. It's a job I seriously could not have done and my hat is off to this amazing woman.

Okay, back to the spouses. Another great husband along for the ride is Mike who is married to Denise Bradley.

I didn't get to meet Mark Bocchicchio's wife, but she's really lovely! (I just hope she forgives me for sending her husband my famous "Vagina Song." I guess I'll find out at the next reunion.)

And here's Mark Kaylor, his beautiful wife, and Tom Molnar.

Finally, the stunning Cara McGann and her husband Don.

My last batch of few photos are coming up. So post yours everyone!


Friday, November 2, 2007

Anthony Photo Shop

Sounds like you all had a great time at the reunion sorry i missed it. Anthony this is the only picture I have of me on here. Can ya photo shop me :-). Maybe i will come to the 25th if we have one :-)
