I’m not an “official” graduate of Chaminade Class of 87 but I got pulled out halfway through my Junior year.
So for the sake of argument I was with you all for 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and half of 11th grade!
My mom ran out of money (she’s an elementary school teacher) and had to cut her losses and move me into public school.
Anyway, all my high school memories are from Chaminade even though I’m technically an alumnus of Simi Valley High School!
I was recently contacted by a fellow named Rob Vassegh who indicated he knew me from Chaminade.
This got me to thinking and so I “googled” him and it took me to the MIA list for the Class of 87 reunion blog.
While there I also discovered you were looking for Kevin Black (six foot ten? Hard to miss…)
Small world: I actually went to U.C. Davis with Kevin and then lost touch with him after that.
I hope he made it to the reunion. He was a good guy.
So the upshot is I was hoping to get “back in the fold” so to speak and touch base with some of the people that I went to school with.
Even though I missed the 20 year reunion, perhaps I can still make contact with some of my old buds.
I was a bit of an introverted malcontent and not very social so it’s likely that people won’t remember me.
I was the kid with the thick glasses that hung out in the library during lunch and played Dungeons and Dragons after school.
(Doesn’t narrow it down much, does it…?)
Now I’m pushing 40 with three kids and two businesses and I’m virtually unrecognizable from what I used to look like.
It’s a shot in the dark but here’s my family from last Christmas: (I’m the hairy one in the center…)

You can also check out my website www.WildSmiles.org
I’ve done dental work on a 600 pound Siberian tiger and there’s some photos of that on the website as well.
Since leaving Chaminade I’ve been mauled by a mountain lion, fought malignant melanoma, honeymooned in a Scottish castle, been stabbed, hit by a car, bitten by a timber wolf, got married, had three little boys and one time I woke up hung-over 10 clicks out of St. Truiden Belgium after being mercilessly beaten by six angry Walloons…
So I’ve lived a pretty full life so far!
Anyway, let me know what you think.
Warmest Regards,
Klifford T. Kapus DDS, MSD