Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bugging vs. Hectoring

Yes Amy, you did bug me to write. But you did not 'hector' me - and don't lie and say you did. If I had been hectored I would remember.

And where did it say our contributions would be critiqued for content? That is why I only BLOG on My Space - freedom of speech. Plus I can swear and it makes me sound cool and edgy to 20-somethings.

But you have already let the cat out of the bag. I utilized my BLOG entry to dazzle with my dry wit. And that is excactly what I have been doing for the last 20 years. Drying my wit. At this point, my words practically burst into dust upon exiting my mouth. Now that's dry.

I shall pour out my heart in my next BLOG entry.


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