Wednesday, September 12, 2007

10th Grade Speech Class

Hey all-
I was thinking about a Chaminade memory last night. It was a speech class I took in 10th grade. I don't remember the teacher's name, but she was female, 20's, and didn't teach at CCP very long (I'm sure Bob Munck remembers her name). What I do remember was that the class was friggin' HILARIOUS! It was a bit of a "free-for-all," with people trying to outdo one another.

If I remember correctly, Jeff Hunt did a "demonstration" speech involving his HK-91 assault rifle (I'm not kidding). I also remember a speech involving Scott Ulrich and a hand grenade. Other notable class members were Munck, Jeff Kisylia, Rick Baker, Toggenburger, and Mike Katz (yes, that Mike Katz, who made famous the red Levi cords, silk shirt with Japanese "carp" and Ralph Sampson signature model black/red Pumas!). I think I did a speech about my favorite RTD bus drivers, including Ernest E. Seehoffer, who won Driver of the Month (why I remember his name, I'll never know). I believe I had the cardboard sign regarding the driver award that I stole off the bus, route 158 down Devonshire, of course. What a bunch of idiots we were!

Does anyone else remember that class? I just remember bits and pieces, and that I laughed my ass off every day. I think it was held in the same classroom that I had Health, taught by Mr. Bernie Kyman! Another tremendous class with a lot of funny moments!

Steve Orr


Erin Needham-Collard said...

I remember that class, Steve. Ms. Schwartz ( I think) would have 1 min or 30 sec impromptu speeches. I remember having to give one about how to eat a green m&m and I also remember Margaret Bacon giving one about a brick that was in the backwall of the classroom.

Chaminade Reunion 1987 said...

I remember giving a step-by-step speech on how to act like a monkey. Amy

Corinne said...

I remember speech class with, I want to say, Mr. Johanek? I did a speech on how to smoke a cigarette, and another speech on marijuana. It's no wonder I got kicked out. What a rebel!

Combat-Trout said...

I remember Jeff telling me about his speech, I didn't get to see it first hand. I did a speech on sharpening knives (don't remember how it went...) I thought Mr. Lawson was going to throw a fit. All day after that he kept asking me if I'd put my combat knife in my locker... Geez, have times changed...
