Tuesday, July 3, 2007

C'mon Now, Eagles!

I have been to a Third World country, gotten my son injected with stem cells, and come back again. I was looking forward to some good readin' about my fellow classmates. And what do I get when I return? Nada. Nothing. Bupkis.

Fine. You leave me no choice but to dazzle you with some memories from my years at Chaminade.

1. Nanette Vernengo having a heated debate about abortion during our religion class with our then-pregnant religion teacher.

2. In yet another religion/sex ed class (I always found this an interesting combo for a Catholic school) the teacher (probably the same poor pregnant gal) revealed that teenage boys get erections every, I don't know, 30 seconds or something. Mike Pollard then audibly counted down "3...2...1" and slammed his fist against the bottom of his desk.

3. After failing yet another geometry test, Sister Marion accusing me of being on drugs when I was simply just horrible at math. Maybe I'd have done better if I'd taken some drugs.

4. Never being able to get the phrases, "Not cooking on all four burners," and "Verbal diarrhea," out of my head thanks to Mrs. McDonnell.

Anyone else?


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