Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Maybe a photo gallery?

There was a lot of picture taking going on Saturday night (and probably at the the other events as well). Mindi mentioned she had pictures to share and I do as well. It was such a busy night that I know we all didn't get a chance to see everyone. I think we would all enjoy seeing everyone's photos. Is the blog the best place to post the pictures, or maybe some sort of gallery would work better. I've seen picture galleries before, but honestly have no clue how to set one up. Anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks again to the reunion crew who put this all together. Saturday night was so much fun. It was great to see everyone and hear all the 80's music. Please don't wait another 10 years to keep in touch... michele.burlingham@wellpoint.com

Michele (Yasiello) Burlingham

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