Tuesday, October 16, 2007

one more thank you shoutout!

not too late, i am jumping on board the thank you train too! thanks to all who organized, oversaw, donated and emailed relentlessly about all 20th reunion-related events - you people ROCK!

so totally completely bummed that i missed saturday night. sounds like it was a blast but it was great to see everyone & their families on sunday - what an awesome day for a picnic!

again, i had lots of fun catching up with everyone who was able to roll out of bed so early on a sunday morning. also cannot believe the amount of twins our class has produced - what was in that ameci pizza anyways? the hubman commented that we had a nice group of little future citizens as all kids were so well behaved while they waited patiently in line for the bouncy castle!

i apologize profusely to any lovely ladies out there that my son dignan may have felt up at the picnic on sunday. he LOVES girls, i mean he's not even 2 & he's already picking up chicks. i have my work cut out for me.

i also found someone's wallet, half a hot dog, and 2 broken crayolas in the pockets of his jeans just in case anyone was wondering.

anyhoo, if anyone wants to contact me or bring dignan up on charges of harrassment or theft, shoot me an email at shellainey@aol.com.
take care fellow alums!

p.s. just kidding on the wallet part. i made that up.

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